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  • Writer's pictureLydia Summer

And, We're Off!

Hey everyone!

At this very moment, I am on a plane flying out to Manila, Philippines. Since I last wrote, I shared about how I was a little nervous about going to the Philippines, but now, all I feel is excited anticipation about going! I am beyond excited to see how God will use our team and what He will do there in the Philippines through us. We have been hearing a lot about how Philippines is a hotbed for revival, where the people there are hungry to hear God's word, so, at least speaking for myself, I am very excited to see what more God will do in their lives.

There's not a whole lot to share about what has happened in the last two weeks, but what has happened has just been so good for a lot of us in our class as we've been getting ready to go to the nations. We've been praying to God that He would give us more of a heart for the countries we are going to for outreach, and I truly believe He has given me a heart for the people in the Philippines.

In the last letter I shared about what we were told that we will be doing there for ministry, but there has been an update in what we will be doing while on outreach. We have just been told in the past two weeks that there is a little bit of room in the budget to go to the brothels a few times while we're there. A lot of the young women on our team have had dreams about the women in the brothels and God has placed on their hearts such a deep love and compassion for them, that I pray that God will use us to be able to see Him redeem and restore the women that we meet so they can know just how deeply loved and valued they are by their heavenly Father.

We're mostly going to take it one day at a time and we'll find out more of what we will be doing and where we will be staying when we get to the Philippines, but we know that we are in the hands of our Lord, and with Him, we know that we will be in the center of God's will and hope to walk it out as best we can.

Things to pray for? First, please be praying for my health. I have been sick since last Sunday, and all that's left is this lingering cough, however, it has caused me to lose sleep and I have had coughing fits consistently throughout the day and night. Please pray that God will heal me, even now, and that my health won't get worse being in a new country. Please be praying that God will give me a stronger immune system so that I won't be sick for any part of the outreach phase.

Please be praying for one of my teammates, Gabi. She fractured her hand the other day and, praise God, she was able to get a cast made for her so that she would still be able to go on outreach (if they hadn't done this, the doctor told her she shouldn't go on outreach), but please continue to pray for her that her hand will heal quickly.

Please pray that our travel continues to go well, and pray that we will be able to adjust to the time difference quickly. Pray that our team will be so bonded in unity that nothing will be able to tear us apart. I love my team and I am praying that we will grow as a true family in Christ, as we live with each other and run after Jesus together, that there won't be any drama or tension to hinder us from loving the people in the Philippines the best that we can. If we can't love our team well, how can we love on the people on the streets, in the church, in the orphanages, in the brothels well?

Lastly, please pray that funding will come in for me to purchase my flight home from Peru in July. I will have to raise about $1000 for a flight ticket home. If you would like to make a donation, you can click here. I've continuously seen how the Lord provides for His children in every way possible, and know that prayer is a big part of how and why He does. So, please know that I appreciate any donations, but I also value and appreciate your prayers even more so. The Lord listens to His children and I know He has done miracles to provide in every way possible, as I have seen this firsthand (the Lord provided $40,000 for our school in the span of three hours a couple weeks ago), so I am trusting and believing He will do the same for me and for any of my classmates who still need provision financially.

Thank you, always, for your love and support and following along with me in my journey. I am so blessed beyond words with the generosity and love you all have shown and given to me. I love you all so very much! I'm not sure how often I'll be able to send updates while I'm in the Philippines, but I promise to update you as often as I can. Thank you, again.

On the walk with you, Lydia Summer

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